Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reading Without Writing

Gratuitous Book Pile Photo
"It is likely I will die next to a pile of things I was meaning to read."  Lemony Snicket

Lately I've been on a reading tear, much to the detriment of this blog.  Since last I blogged, I've read three novels:  If on a winter's night a traveler by Italo Calvino, The Light Between Oceans by M L Stedman, and Hotel du Lac by Anita Brookner. 

I read the Calvino novel as an online read-a-long in November, and while I enjoyed it and am glad I attempted it with support, I am still trying to sort out my thoughts in order to write a post.  It is a challenging, complicated book.

For a change of pace, concurrent with reading Calvino, I read The Light Between Oceans by M L Stedman, an entertaining, easy read.  I enjoyed the story and found the theme of the lengths to which morally strong people will go given a certain set of circumstances to be fascinating.

My most recent read, Hotel du Lac, by Anita Brookner was lovely.  This short novel (only 183 pages) made a huge impression on me, after starting off VERY slowly.  Around page 90, I was thinking I might abandon it. I am so glad I didn't.  Within the next ten pages, the book became and continued to be a novel I loved.  I can understand why this kind of novel is not for everyone.  It's very introspective, and almost nothing happens, but I loved the voice of Edith, the main character, and I loved the way she learns to accept herself as is throughout the course of the novel.  As a woman who grew up in a very conventional South, I can relate completely to her struggle.

Time to choose my next conquest!


wellwell2 said...

Impressive reading. I love taking on difficult books -- but I too often profit from support. Where did you find the read along for the Calvino? The Brookner also sounds good.

thecuecard said...

Wow you're on a roll. I've just started The Light Between Oceans and I'm enjoying it quite a lot. I feel like I can picture being on Janus Rock from her descriptions. Anita Brookner's books seem slow but a treasure too. cheers.

Amy said...

Barbara, I found the read-a-long referenced on this blog:, but for the most part the commentary was conducted on Twitter. I loved being able to find a practical use for Twitter!

Susan, (I think that's what you said your name was? I hope!), I found myself enjoying Light Between Oceans a lot too! And yes I did feel like I was on Janus Rock often during the reading. Hotel du Lac was my first Brookner. I'm thinking of reading Fraud next. Have you read it?

Harvee44 said...

Hope you find new books you will like. I like the quote too about the books to be left unread, perhaps. I will be trying to read all those I like.

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